Friday, November 21, 2008

Bad Luck

In P.E. (physical education) at my school we have lockers where we lock our backpacks and normal school clothes while we are in P.E. class. However, last week I forgot to lock my locker before I went outside.

When I came back, my cellphone was gone.

At first I just let out a stream of vulgar words ^^'' and searched frantically. After quite a while of searching, I gave up and proclaimed it as "stolen".

A week later, I am still cellphoneless.

Have any of you lost an important electronic before? I also recently lost my DS 2 months ago. :( I think I should install a tracking device on all my valuable possessions...

It's Thanksgiving Break though! :D I'm planning on doing some delayed otaku shopping hope that next post will be about my new possesions...


  1. Well, not sure this count, I lost my R4 for my DS during my trip to Japan...
    All the hard work and save files all gone...

  2. Oh dear, that sucks. :/ -comfs- I hate losing stuff; I've never really lost electronics, though, aside from one or two cheap mp3 players.

    I -have- lost my DS pouch. Fortunately, not when my DS was inside. Lucky. ._.

  3. Ouch; losing a phone must suck >_<

    Well, shopping heals all wounds though =P
